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I have been passionate about placement, organization and beauty since I was a girl playing with my Barbies under the olive tree in Mountain View. I have always enjoyed moving furniture and regrouping decor in my and other people's rooms to create interesting vignettes and fresh perspectives.

In my professional life I have worked on television shows as a set dresser, where placement sets the stage and the art of improvising solutions on location is a must. As a professional organizer in charge of other people's spaces, I honed my ability to fit items into place like pieces in a puzzle, utilizing every possible inch, if necessary, while allowing access and aesthetic to remain front and center goals, depending upon my client's needs.

My years as a visual merchandise manager for an artisan luxury brand elevated my love of, and eye toward the visual aesthetic. I had the great fortune to work with many different First Friday artists to curate and display their various mediums of art and products. I have collaborated with Open Studios artists to streamline their studios and accentuate new works through the Art of Placement.


As a designer, playing up, curating and balancing different aesthetic values creates rooms that are livable, beautiful and support my client's lifestyle. 

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